Request Forms

Here is the form you fill out if you wish to register your fjord. Just send to and please put the title as horse registry. I would also like four pictures of the horse, front,left and right side and back view.
Registry form:
Your Name:
Your Email:
Your website (if applicable):
Your Stable Name (if applicable):
Showname of the horse you wish to register:
Barn name of the horse you wish to register:
Gender of horse:
Have you read the breed standards?
What aspects of your horse do you feel fits the breed standards?:
Breed Standards for Fjord
Head: Medium sized forehead, Broard flat forehead, small ear and big eyes.
Body: Strong Arched neck, Strudy legs, well musculed body.
Colors: Red dun, yellow dun, grey dun, bay dun and white dun.
Banned colors: Any white markings. Black, Palomino, Chesnuts, Buckskins, Appaloosa, Paint.
Breed Standards for American SaddleBred
Head: Large wide-set eyes, ears close together
Body: neck is long and arched, sholders are deep and sloping, strong leveled back.
Colors: Bay, Black,Pinto, Palomino, Chesnut, Gray, Roan and Buckskin.
Banned Colors: Appaloosa

Breeding Request
For breeding all you have to do is fill out the form and once it is accepted send the sim3pack file to Your mare may be sent back pregnant or mare with foal, depends on what you want. If the mare is sent back pregnant, I would like its  showname, gender, and a picture.
-The mare must be registered. If not just simple fill out the registry form out above.
- I would like a picture of the mare you wish to breed
- FSR must be in the foals showname
Breeding Form
Your Name (Screen Name ok):
Your Website (if applicable):
Your Email:
Stallion You Are Interested In:
Intended Mare's Name:
Intended purpose of the foal:
Do you agree to comply with the rules:
 The horses will not be up for mass download. These horses will only be givin to one person. You may after you know longer want it give it to someone else but please do not put up for mass download. Please put moon at the end of you application to let me know you read the rules.
1.Must keep my prefix.
Ex: FSR's Rising Sun
2.  Do not put up for mass download.
3. You may add your own prefix along with mine.
Ex: ABC/FSR's Rising Sun
Application Form: ( Just paste in email)
Your name:
Your Website(if applicable):
Your email:
Horse you'd like to purchase:
Plans for the horse(i.e. breeding, racing,etc):
Do you agree with the above stated rules?:
Please attach picture of barn you wish to maintain the horse at (if able):