Thursday, 20 October 2011

Foal Madness!

Here are our newest additions to FeatherStone Farah, Acorn and Baron!
Farah(Kindling x Sable)

Acorn( Kindling x Sundance)

Baron( Demon x Violette)

Friday, 14 October 2011


I sent in a request to Equus sims to see if I could be a registry for the fjord. It is pending! I'm excited for that so I have to get the site already for this. I'm a complete noob at all this so this should be fun! I will soon be offering horses for download and breeding but just not yet. Once things are more settled it will be all up and ready! Wish me luck!

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Hello everybody and welcome!

What I have seen people doing, with the up coming release of sims 3 pets I decided to do the same which is make a stable to breed and showcase my horsies! I may attempt to do a registry for the fjord with Equus-sims. Thats all for now!